So now, there are three things that need my undivided attention:
1. My Hospitality Management online course. I started it in late August and with everything happening, I 've been falling behind schedule.
2. My business plan for my new Calliope Iris company, a company with a much greater scope than the one I created in 2008. Is this the right time to be focusing on a fresh start in business terms while living in Greece? Well, I cannot remain stagnant. I have to be creative. And no matter what is going on in financial & political terms, I still love my country so incredibly much. If God gave me such a creative mind and if He/She placed me in Greece, there must be a reason for it. Because I did try my luck abroad and it didn't work out. Now I would have to be paid to even consider leaving Greece.
However, I do realize it might not be the right time to embark on such an ambitious business activity. OK, then there must be something else I 'm supposed to be doing. I did explore the idea of going out and finding a job but it didn't lead anywhere. I have to be honest, I didn't mind that much, if at all. As I was saying the other day on Google +, there must be a gene I 'm missing because I cannot work for others. I have to be in charge of my own creative vision & ideas.
So while I cannot reconsile with the notion of a 9-5 job, I could accept that I may need to be doing something else creatively than this new company I 'm designing now.
What else could that be? Not sure...
3. My Dimension Next project. OK, that's an incredibly ambitious project and it could not happen unless the right team of people come together. So far, I 've met a few who show enthusiasm, and a couple of them I feel very comfortable working with. But again, we need to work around our schedules and see if we can make enough time to start now or if we just need to keep the entire thing at the back of our heads and make it happen in the future. It is something I am thinking long and hard about.
In the meantime, I 've been feeling the need for a holiday. I cannot afford to go away for too long but I have saved enough money the past three months to be able to spend a couple of weeks away, maybe a bit more.
So this is what I 'm focusing on now. I wish I could leave this week but my parents are freaking out telling me I cannot go anywhere before I get my strength back. OK, they do have a point, my weight is rather low and I do feel somewhat weak at times. I 'm doing my best to eat in a wholesome way but sometimes Life gets too much and I get in an anorexic mood.
I 'm planning to spend the next few days devising a plan. A food/recovery plan.
At the same time, in terms of my destination of choice, I 'm in a dilemma. There are two places I 'm thinking of going to and I can't decide which one! Don't you just hate when that happens??? I most certainly do!!!