I got yet another hug a couple of days ago. Funny how it happened... I was out for a walk around Athens when this guy who was walking in front of me turned around and noticed me. Didn't think much of it at first. Then I started walking faster and he followed behind. Again I didn't think much of it, I just thought we were most probably going in the same direction. A few minutes later, he catches up with me and said: "Are you OK? I sense a bit of stress in your system." I smiled and said I 'm OK. And yeah, maybe a bit stressed out but hey, who isn't these days? I 'm no Dalai Lama. "Would you like some company?" he asked. I thought no harm in walking together so I gave him a nod to indicate we could walk down the street together. And so we did. In the end, we walked all the way to Plaka and back. He told me lots about his life, I too shared some stuff. But what was most amazing was that we were on the same wavelength spiritually. He understood all those spiritual realities I often talk about but few catch on.
Before we parted he said "I think you could use a hug, let me give you one." I let him. It was sweet.
I was so glad for that impromptu meeting of minds. It doesn't happen every day. It gave me a bit of hope about the human race. I was thinking again that I must have many kindred spirits in this world, it is just a matter of connecting with them. But of course, it is most rewarding when it happens in such a way. Like the Universe conspires and makes it happen.