Wednesday, September 25, 2013

That magical moment

Most of my past  Calliope Iris projects involved working with others.

Most of my current projects are planned around team work as well.

The ways that I go about finding the people who make up the team are not always the same. What has helped me in my work so far is to follow my instincts.

Are instinctual decisions always right? Yes and no.

I believe that when we rely on something far greater than logic and beyond human ego, we connect with the deepest part of our being, the part that is wise, eternal and absolutely perfect.

But  relying on that part in ourselves does not always mean that we can reach that part in others. And so deciding to join forces with some people does not always result in harmonious or inspiring partnerships.

I naturally connect with those in the global(or should I say universal) community who can see the Dream, touch the Stars, ride the Rainbow.

Still, sometimes I get it wrong. Some people that I choose to work with cannot  keep up pace. It's not their fault, nor mine. C' est la vie.

But then, often I get it right. And when I do, when a meeting of minds & hearts happens, when sparks fly, when the speed of someone's thinking matches mine, then magic happens.

That magical moment is what I 'm always looking for.