Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Charisma was his middle name II

Watching Mary Austin talk in interviews about Freddie and their relationship sometimes you get the feeling that she is trying too hard to convince people she had accepted his lifestyle and all. Maybe on a superficial level she had but deep down, it must have been very hard and she does give clues here and there.

 And if you listen to many of the songs, you can tell that Freddie must have found it hard when Mary seemed to have moved on and had kids with another man. And the fact that he died from AIDS, isn't it the greatest proof that this other lifestyle that he pursued was his downfall?

 So extremely sad that two people who obviously loved each other to bits didn't end up together. Apparently he left her most of his fortune along with his house where she still lives. A lot of people see that as a testament to his great love for her. The way I see it, it would have been a much greater testament if he he had been alive and had tried everything in his power to make it work with her.


Charisma was his middle name

He had so much charisma it's almost criminal.


P.S: Hey Freddie, have you reincarnated yet or what?